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The legal issues we all face should be easy.
End the confusion and move forward with confidence.

Estate Planning Works

The legal issues that we all will face shouldn’t be a mystery. Ready to end the confusion and confidently move forward?

Go from confusion to clarity and confidence about the legal issues we’ll all face.

When you don’t understand how estate planning works, I know as a probate attorney, you’ll leave a mess EVEN with perfectly fine legal documents. Why? Because you won’t know what else you need to do to make things easier for the people you love.




When you understand how this works and take the steps you need to, you won’t be scrambling at the worst possible time and your loved ones won’t be left with a legal mess. As an attorney, I know how critical it is for you to understand the basics of how estate planning works. A bit of know-how is the difference between leaving a manageable legal to-do list and leaving a mess.



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Hi. I’m Jen.

I’m a probate attorney who’s walked with hundreds of people and families through the legal affairs that come up at incapacity and death. I’ve taken my years of experience to give you the inside information to know how to avoid a mess. At Organized (after)Life, I equip you with the information you need to leave a manageable to-do list.

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What You’ll Learn In My Signature Course, Your Organized (after)Life Workshop

Estate planning is a process that many people don’t really understand – and that’s understandable! I can help you understand how this legal process works and how you can lessen the burden on loved ones.

How assets move after death

The reality is that how you own your assets and how they transfer will determine whether your plan happens, WHETHER OR NOT you have good legal documents. You can not set up a manageable to-do list without understanding this reality. I’ll walk you though this important, but easy to understand concept that is the basis for any effective estate plan.

Steps to leave a manageable plan

The people who leave behind a manageable to-do list for their loved ones took common steps in their planning. I’ll walk you through each necessary step.

How to ensure you get a personalized plan

Leaving behind a manageable to-do list take more than documents, it takes a strategy – like knowing if you should have a trust or not. You can only get a personalized strategy through a local attorney licensed in your state. I’ll give you tips on how to locate an attorney who bring you incredible value.

Steps to take to ensure your plan goes into action

A manageable to-do list takes a strategy and good documents to set up the strategy. But the strategy won’t happen unless you’re financially organized. I’ll walk you through the organization process and teach you how to keep your finances organized.

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The legal issues that we all will face shouldn't be a mystery.