The reality is that how you own your assets and how they transfer will determine if your plan happens, WHETHER OR NOT you have good legal documents. You can not set up a manageable to-do list without understanding this reality. I’ll walk you though this important, but easy to understand concept that is the basis for any effective estate plan.
The people who leave behind a manageable to-do list for their loved ones took common steps in their planning. I’ll walk you through each necessary step.
Leaving behind a manageable to-do list take more than documents, it takes a strategy – like knowing if you should have a trust or not. You can only get a personalized strategy through a local attorney licensed in your state. I’ll give you tips on how to locate an attorney who will bring you incredible value.
A manageable to-do list takes a strategy and good documents to set up the strategy. But the strategy won’t happen unless you’re financially organized. I’ll walk you through the organization process and teach you how to keep your finances organized.
Leaving a manageable to-do list isn’t just about documents. I see people with legal documents leave legal messes all the time. Documents are important, they set up the plan. But it also takes financial organization – knowing what you have and coordinating your assets – to make sure your plan actually happens. If you already have legal documents, like a will or a trust, I’ll teach you the strategy behind the documents, help you understand how to coordinate your assets to follow the plan, and I’ll show you when you should meet with an attorney for an update.
You should work with a licensed – AND KNOWLEDGABLE – professional to get a personalized strategy and documents that put that strategy in place. But if you’re going go the the effort and expense of getting good estate planning documents, you should make sure they’re going to work. You’ll discover the crucial steps to take outside of their office to know that the great plan will actually happen.
If the odds are good you’ll be cleaning up someone else’s legal mess before you leave one, the information you’ll learn in the Workshop will equip you to understand the process of how assets move after someone dies. You won’t be stuck having to learn this on the fly, with a mess on your hands and while you’re also processing grief.
Also check out the Legal Field Guide to Helping Aging Parents which gives an introduction to legal issues that come up beyond the transfer of assets.
A single payment of $347
The course is four hours of instruction over eight sessions. You can easily complete this homework within eight weeks, but life gets in the way. You have access to the video course for 90 days. Why not lifetime access? Because having an effective estate plan has been on your to-do list for long enough. You have a goal and the incentive to finally set up a manageable to-do list. Your access to the instruction is limited, but you have downloadable reference materials that are yours for future reference.
The online platform I use for the Workshop is easy to use. You can get a preview to see if it’s right for you. If you’re ready to avoid a mess, take these steps.
Let’s go Organizer!