Your Organized (after)Life Workshop

The online program where you gain the confidence in what you need to know about estate planning and walk through what you need to do so you leave a manageable to-do list, not a mess.

We all know we should get an estate plan in place.

But only a third of American adults have any legal documentation at all.


What’s worse, you can leave legal issues even when you have legal documents, causing unnecessary expense, aggravation and family conflict at the worst possible time.


Your family doesn’t have to face this burden.

You can avoid a mess.

Leaving a mess matters because it gets in the way of people carrying on the things that are important about you.

And you’re not the kind of person to leave things to chance. If you’re going to go to the effort – and expense – of getting a will or a trust, you want to know that you’re doing it the right way.

You want to know that it’s going to work.

You can get documents lots of places, but the reality is that people with legal documents still leave a mess. An effective estate plan minimizes the legal to-do list you’ll leave. That takes more than documents.

That’s a strategy.

Documents are important. They set up the plan. But you also need to understand what you have and coordinate your assets to follow your plan. That means you need to know how this works and do more than sign documents.

Your Organized (after)Life Workshop is an online, at your pace, workshop where I teach you what you need to know so that you can leave a manageable to-do list.

Get the Workshop for one payment of $749

The Estate Plan Workshop Teaches You

How assets move after death

The reality is that how you own your assets and how they transfer will determine if your plan happens, WHETHER OR NOT you have good legal documents. You can not set up a manageable to-do list without understanding this reality. I’ll walk you though this important, but easy to understand concept that is the basis for any effective estate plan.

Steps to leave a manageable plan

The people who leave behind a manageable to-do list for their loved ones took common steps in their planning. I’ll walk you through each necessary step.

How to ensure you get a personalized plan

Leaving behind a manageable to-do list take more than documents, it takes a strategy – like knowing if you should have a trust or not. You can only get a personalized strategy through a local attorney licensed in your state. I’ll give you tips on how to locate an attorney who will bring you incredible value.

Steps to take to ensure your plan goes into action

A manageable to-do list takes a strategy and good documents to set up the strategy. But the strategy won’t happen unless you’re financially organized. I’ll walk you through the organization process and teach you how to keep your finances organized.

In Your Organized (after)Life Workshop you’ll learn the information you need to be a knowledgeable consumer, to confidently get an estate plan in place and know what you need to continue to do so your plan happens.

Real Testimonials

See what students say about Your Organized (after)Life Workshop

Join the Workshop for one payment of $749

What You’ll Learn

Your Organized (after)Life Workshop is an online, at your pace, estate plan workshop where I teach you what you need to know so you leave a manageable to-do list.


    • Introduction Video
    • Expectations Video
    • Intro Homework
    • Glossary Slides
    • Intro Wrap Video

Step: 1 Gather

    • Step 1: Gather Video
    • The Two Ways Your Assets Move Slides
    • Asset Checklist Slides
    • Step 1: Gather Wrap Video

Step 2: Check-In

    • Step 2: Check-In Video
    • Guide to Working with an Estate Planner Slides
    • Step 2: Check-In Wrap Video

Step 3: Reach Out

    • Step 3: Reach Out Video
    • Fiduciary List Slides
    • Step 3: Reach Out Wrap Video

Step 4: Execute

    • Step 4: Execute Video
    • Storage Key Slides
    • Step 4: Execute Wrap Video

Step 5: Keep Up

    • Step 5: Keep Up Video
    • Checklists Slides
    • Step 5: Keep Up Wrap Video

Step 6: Update

    • Step 6: Update Video
    • Update Key Slides
    • Step 6: Update Wrap Video

Workshop Survey

    • Workshop Survey

Good Legacy

    • Good Legacy Video

Go from confusion to clarity and confidence about the legal issues we’ll all face.

Let’s Get Organized!

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a will, Isn't that enough?

Leaving a manageable to-do list isn’t just about documents. I see people with legal documents leave legal messes all the time. Documents are important, they set up the plan. But it also takes financial organization – knowing what you have and coordinating your assets – to make sure your plan actually happens. If you already have legal documents, like a will or a trust, I’ll teach you the strategy behind the documents, help you understand how to coordinate your assets to follow the plan, and I’ll show you when you should meet with an attorney for an update.

If I should work with an attorney, why do I need to understand how this works?

You should work with a licensed – AND KNOWLEDGABLE – professional to get a personalized strategy and documents that put that strategy in place. But if you’re going go the the effort and expense of getting good estate planning documents, you should make sure they’re going to work. You’ll discover the crucial steps to take outside of their office to know that the great plan will actually happen.

What if I'm less worried about the to-do list I'll leave and more worried about the mess I'll clean up?

If the odds are good you’ll be cleaning up someone else’s legal mess before you leave one, the information you’ll learn in the Workshop will equip you to understand the process of how assets move after someone dies. You won’t be stuck having to learn this on the fly, with a mess on your hands and while you’re also processing grief.


Also check out the Legal Field Guide to Helping Aging Parents which gives an introduction to legal issues that come up beyond the transfer of assets.

What does it cost?

A single payment of $347

How long is the course and how long do I have access?

The course is two and a half hours of instruction over eight sessions. You can easily complete this homework within eight weeks, but life gets in the way. You have access to the video course for 90 days. Why not lifetime access? Because having an effective estate plan has been on your to-do list for long enough. You have a goal and the incentive to finally set up a manageable to-do list. Your access to the instruction is limited, but you have downloadable reference materials that are yours for future reference.

I'm ready, but is it right for me?

The online platform I use for the Workshop is easy to use. You can get a preview to see if it’s right for you. If you’re ready to avoid a mess, take these steps.

  1. See the course curriculum and a free preview video when you sign-up as student.
  2. Enroll by purchasing the Workshop within the platform.

Let’s go Organizer!

Your family can avoid this burden, but it’s up to you. Are you ready?

A Note from the Workshop Teacher, Jen


After over 15 years of working with families after a death as a probate attorney, I learned the harsh reality. Legal documents alone do not avoid legal issues. Instead, documents like wills and trusts are important tools. Like any tool, they have to be used correctly and your assets have to follow the plan.


The reality is that estate planning is just like any organization. You have to have a system and you have to follow it. Having an estate plan that works to reduce expense, delay and conflict for your loved ones, comes down to you. I’ve also seen that doing this is completely doable.


Because you are the secret to an estate plan that works, I’m sharing the basics you need to know and the steps you need to take to avoid leaving a legal mess.

Your family can avoid this burden, but it’s up to you. I’ll show you how.

The legal issues that we all will face shouldn't be a mystery.